Command Line Tip – The “cd” command: This command is used to change the directory in your command line interface

Title: Command Line Tip – The “cd” Command: This Command is Used to Change the Directory in Your Command Line Interface


The Command Line Interface (CLI), also known as the terminal, is an essential tool for developers. It provides a direct line of communication with your operating system. This article will focus on the “cd” (Change Directory) command, one of the most frequently used commands in the CLI. This command is used to navigate through the filesystem on your computer.

The “cd” command is available in various operating systems like Windows (Command Prompt), macOS, and Linux (Terminal).

The Basic “cd” Command

The “cd” or Change Directory command is used to switch from the current directory to a different directory. The syntax of the command is as follows:

cd [directory]

Here’s a step by step guide on how to use it:

1. Open your terminal: This can be done typically by searching for ‘Command Prompt’ on Windows or ‘Terminal’ on macOS or Linux in the search bar.

2. View your current directory: You can do this by typing the ‘pwd’ (Print Working Directory) command. This will show you the full pathname of the current directory.

3. Change the directory: To change your current working directory, type ‘cd’ followed by the space and the path of the directory you want to move to. For example, if you want to move to a directory named ‘Documents’, you would type:

cd Documents

4. Confirm the change: You can confirm that you’ve switched directories by using the ‘pwd’ command again.

Navigating with the “cd” command

The “cd” command allows you to navigate through your filesystem. Here are some examples of how you can use it:

1. Move up one directory level: If you want to move back to the parent directory (the directory one level above your current directory), you can use the following command:

cd ..

2. Move to the home directory: On Unix-like operating systems, including Linux and macOS, you can use the following command to go back to your home directory no matter your current location in the directory tree:



cd ~

3. Move to the root directory: If you wish to go straight to the root directory, use the following command:

cd /

4. Move to a specific directory: If you have the full path to a specific directory, you can use it with the “cd” command to go directly there. For example:

cd /usr/local/bin


The “cd” command is a fundamental command used in the command-line interface to navigate through directories. Mastering it will make navigating through your filesystem much easier and quicker. Understanding and using commands like “cd” is essential for anyone who wants to get the most out of using their terminal.