Using Command Line to Quickly Access System Information: You can use the command line interface to quickly access your system’s information

Title: Using Command Line to Quickly Access System Information


The command line interface (CLI) is a powerful tool that can provide a wealth of information about your system. This article presents a step-by-step guide on how to use the command line to quickly access system information. The procedures and commands discussed here apply to both Windows Command Prompt and Unix-based systems like Linux and MacOS.

Step 1: Opening the Command Line Interface

On Windows:

– Click on the Start menu or press the Windows key.
– Type “cmd” into the search bar and press Enter. The Command Prompt window will open.

On MacOS or Linux:

– Open a terminal window. The method varies depending on the system. On MacOS, you can find the terminal in Applications > Utilities > Terminal. On Ubuntu, press Ctrl+Alt+T to open the terminal.

Step 2: Basic System Information

On Windows:

– Type “systeminfo” and press Enter. This command will display detailed information about your computer, including OS version, system manufacturer, system model, processor, BIOS version, physical and virtual memory, network card configurations, and more.

On MacOS or Linux:

– Type “uname -a” and press Enter. This command displays basic information about your system, such as the kernel name, network node hostname, kernel release date, machine hardware name, and more.

Step 3: CPU and Memory Information

On Windows:

– Type “wmic cpu get name,CurrentClockSpeed,MaxClockSpeed” and press Enter. This command will display the name of your CPU and its current and maximum clock speed.

– To view memory information, type “wmic MEMORYCHIP get BankLabel, Capacity, Speed” and press Enter. This command will display the memory module’s label, capacity, and speed.

On MacOS or Linux:

– Type “lscpu” and press Enter. This command will display detailed information about your CPU, including its architecture, cores, threads, cache, and more.

– To view memory information, type “free -m” and press Enter. This command will display the total, used, and free memory in megabytes.

Step 4: Disk Information

On Windows:

– Type “wmic diskdrive get model,size,status” and press Enter. This command will display the model, size, and status of your disk drives.

On MacOS or Linux:

– Type “df -h” and press Enter. This command will display disk usage information for all mounted filesystems.


The command line interface can be a quick and powerful tool for accessing system information. However, it’s important to use it responsibly and only enter commands you understand. Always consult reliable sources or seek expert advice if you’re unsure. Happy computing!